MSM In The Spotlight

As members of our local community, we have enjoyed giving back to neighboring organizations. Our craft never stops - even when Jesse served overseas with limited resources, his projects wound up in the hands of some American and International VIPs!
  • Coin Holder and Custom Cologne Display Shelf

    Made of mahogany and padauk wood and gifted to a friend of the CJTF-HOA Protocol Team

  • African Rhino Gift

    Zebrawood, soapstone rhino crafted in Africa, and an inset Commanding General's coin. Gifted to a visiting Japanese Admiral.

  • Partnership Plaque

    Padauk and mahogany plaque inset with an Army and Navy coin, representing 20 years of partnership between the United States and country of Djibouti. Gifted by the US Ambassador to Djibouti, the CJTF-HOA Commanding General, and Navy Camp Commander to the Djiboutian Minister of Defense.

  • "Thor's" Hammer

    Padauk and mahogany hammer, wrapped in a traditional Navy paracord handle wrap. Presented to the outgoing Deputy Commander of the 449th Air Force Expeditionary Squadron.

  • Farewell Plaque

    Zebrawood plaque with inset soap stone images of African Elephants and a locally made Djiboutian knife. Gifted by the CJTF-HOA Deputy Commanding General to the Department of State Foreign Policy Advisor on his departure.

  • Change of Responsibility Guidon

    Custom designed framed guidon of CJTF-HOA, with laser engraved presentation plaque and two Djiboutian made knives. Presented to the outgoing Command Senior Enlisted Leader upon his departure.

  • Farewell Plaque

    Zebrawood and mahogany plaque, inset with a CJTF-HOA Commanding General coin, a US Embassy Djibouti Ambassadors coin, and two Djiboutian made knives. This was given to the outgoing French Forces Djibouti Commander, the highest ranking French officer on the African continent, in thanks for his years of partnership.

  • Wine Bottle and Glass Display

    Aromatic red cedar, finished in tongue oil. Given as a farewell gift to a friend of the CJTF-HOA Protocol Team.